Thanks to your generous donations, Tumaini Education Program has been able to support abandoned and underserved teen mothers who are expelled from publicly-funded schools because of pregnancy to re-access basic education outside the public school system.
So far we have been able to help ten teen mothers to regain their education goals through our alternative education pathway. Prior to our help these girls and their communities had given up hope that they would be able to continue their education and fulfil their dreams. But with your help they are back on track. So girls like Neema, who was raped aged 15, is now studying to be a teacher, and Rehema, 16, can become a nurse, rather than forced into an early marriage with a much older man.

But we have another 80 girls we are currently unable to help due to funds. Girls like Ester waiting for help to regain her secondary education so that she can become a lawyer. She became a mother at the age of 17.
Thank you so much for restoring hope in the academic journey of the sexually abused, traumatized, and abandoned teenage mothers.