Brave young women realising their dreams

From vulnerable young mothers to schooling brave young women strive to realise their educational and life goals. Being at an inclusive and stigma-free school, young mothers schooling at Tumaini we believe that they should not be labeled as vulnerable young mothers anymore. Instead, they prefer to be regarded as brave, schooling young women striving to …

Safe and supportive housing

Needs assessment interview Tumaini Open School provides a warm and supportive residential learning environment for adolescent mothers. Young girls who have become pregnant – often through no fault of their own – face difficulties continuing their formal education. They were legally banned from state schools until November 2021 and remain to be one of the …

Regaining an education

Until November 2021, Tanzania banned adolescent mothers from receiving their public education. These laws extended to children who conceived due to exploitation and assault. Even now, pervading norms can still deprive these girls of sufficient academic support. Families and schools continue to marginalise them into their households with greater domestic responsibilities. Severely under-resourced NGOs bear …

Demonstrated High Commitment to Schooling

Teen Mothers Advocating Through Radio Station We have helped teenage mothers demonstrate a high capacity and commitment to schooling. Adolescent mothers are bearing the responsibilities of being both parents and students, and they are grappling with the stigma of pursuing their education. Yet, they continue to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to their studies. All teenage …

Thank you for helping girls like Neema

Neema Thanks to your generous donations, Tumaini Education Program has been able to support abandoned and underserved teen mothers who are expelled from publicly-funded schools because of pregnancy to re-access basic education outside the public school system. So far we have been able to help ten teen mothers to regain their education goals through our …