Thank you so much for enabling the teen mothers named Mbalu, Joyce, and Elizabeth to regain their secondary education outside the public school system. After being outside of school for about three years with no hope of returning to school due to expulsion for being pregnant, these teen mothers have recently joined the Tumaini class for teen mothers’ secondary education. Like other teen mothers supported by the Tumiani Education Program, Mbalu, Joyce and Elizabeth have proved that parent students are not notorious as it has been claimed but are people with great life aspirations and dreams about their future.
They demonstrate capacity and commitment to schooling and performing better in their studies despite undertaking parenting roles. Indeed, they are actively attending classes and are now taking several arts and science subjects including biology, chemistry, physics, maths, history, English, geography, civics, and Kiswahili that are compulsory for their national examinations. Teachers at Tumaini are happy with their academic progress. None of them have average scores that is below B. More than that, they maintain good morals contrary to the claim that re-enrolling them may spoil other girls.

Thank you so much for your generous support.
We are continuing to help 15 teen mothers and have more than 100 in the waiting list. Like other parent students at Tumaini, Mbalu, Joyce, and Elizabeth have to stay at school for three years before they sit for their form four national examinations. They will sit for the qualification test in 2022 and sit for their final national examinations in 2024. We always appreciate your continuous support to enable them to finish their secondary education cycle.