Brave young women realising their dreams

From vulnerable young mothers to schooling brave young women strive to realise their educational and life goals.

Being at an inclusive and stigma-free school, young mothers schooling at Tumaini we believe that they should not be labeled as vulnerable young mothers anymore. Instead, they prefer to be regarded as brave, schooling young women striving to realise their educational and life goals.

Our inclusive and stigma-free school environment ensures restoration of self-esteem and self-confidence among girls who had given up and lost hope of continuing their studies. Girls who arrived at the school in July, have overcome the feeling of rejection in a very short time. Their lives have been transformed because the Tumaini School has created an inclusive and stigma-free environment and culture in every area; school environment, policies, and practices that makes girls feel valued.

They say they are not young mothers but young women struggling to achieve their dreams. All the girls are now eager to learn, motivated, and those who will sit for the national exams in November 2023  have a sense of confidence as they continue to prepare. Abigail says: “After being at this school, I feel my life being brand new. Please, do not call me a young mother but call me a brave young woman striving to realise my educational and life goals”

We have many girls like Abigail on our waiting list. They need essential school requirements such as mattresses, learning materials, and food to be enrolled at the school. Your support will help them to be brave young women.

Thank you again for your generosity.

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